We are a technology group specialized in blockchains and IoTs established by experienced management team in the Internet, blockchain and IoT industry. As the first member company of the BCL Foundation with the mission of "Unlock the World", we will make the world more secure and convenient one with the power of blockchains and IoT. We will change the world from Tokyo.
Blockchain Rock Inc.
KEYVOX Division
KEYVOX brand in-house service business for non-face-to-face space business including blockchain.
DX Entrusted Development Division
A contract development business that supports the conversion of existing businesses to DX, such as next-generation retail and next-generation parking.
An offshore partner company that boasts a mobilization capacity of 2,000 people.
会社名 Company name
ブロックチェーンロック株式会社 英語名: Blockchain Lock Inc.
経営陣 Management Team
CEO 岡本健 Ken Okamoto
COO 柏本宜史 Yoshifumi Kashimoto
CMO 日比章善 Akiyoshi Hibi
住所 Address
HQ: 1-3-1 Uchisaiwaicho Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Japan
五反田WBショールーム: 東京都品川区大崎4丁目2-55 WBビル1階 ※郵送物はこちらまでお願いします
Gotanda BW show room: WB building 52, 1F, 4-2-55 Oosaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
上海テックセンター: 中華人民共和国上海市普陀区大渡河路388弄5号楼华宏商务中心5楼
設立 Established
March 2018
事業内容 Business Domain
Blockchain development
Smart lock, IoT device development and sales
IoT platform
Sharing service development
資本金 Capital
取引銀行 Bank
三菱UFJ銀行 Mitsubishi UFJ Bank
みずほ銀行 Mizuho Bank
城南信用金庫 Jonan Shinkin Bank
主要株主 Shareholders
TIS株式会社 TIS Inc.
株式会社野村総合研究所 Nomura Research Institute